Infiltration gardens

The construction of a system of infiltration galleries will help reduce waterlogging and possible flooding of a main transit area and infiltrate it into the ground to guarantee the availability of water for the vegetation, as well as provide a green space for those who wait outside the hospital (green waiting room).
Container garden

Small gardens rich in flowers and shrubs where aromatic herbs and food are grown and harvested, which become teaching and learning spaces in schools.
Soil conservation and sustainable agriculture

This activity focuses on the diversification of agricultural activities and conservation of forests and soils, through the implementation of best practices in tilling the land and using enrichment and soil management techniques, it can even provide options for means of more resilient lives.
Connectivity between parks, avenues, green infrastructure

The community has been identified and a connectivity model between the main avenues through green infrastructure has been proposed, to be implemented according to the characteristics and possibilities of the neighborhood.
Forest plantations

Planting trees in urban areas contributes to the reduction of air pollution, since trees help filter pollutants from the air. Trees are carbon sinks and thus will help improve air quality in cities.
Agrosilvopastoral practices

Through a comprehensive training strategy for landowners and ranchers located in one of the basins that supply water to the city of Xalapa, in order to strengthen local communities in the face of the effects of climate change and reduce their vulnerability to events such as landslides and landslides.
Resilient Gardens

The resilient orchards are implemented from the agroecological strategy and with attention to climate change, which implies food cultivation practices without deterioration of the environment, responds to limited conditions of water availability, for which reason a drip irrigation mechanism is included and in some cases of rainwater collection.
Urban Beekeeping

Urban beekeeping is an alternative livelihood that is resilient to climate change. It will be promoted in communities of the urban area.
Reforestation of the Hope Watershed

The Hope Watershed provides the majority of the water used for domestic and commercial purposes in the Kingston Metropolitan Area.
Mangrove Restoration

Wetlands play an important role in protecting the coastline from erosion and flooding.