El Salvador
Its goal is to increase the capacity of governments and local communities to adapt to the effects of climate change by integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into urban planning.
Financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
The project It is executed by the Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with the support of Euroclima+.
Project duration:
2018 to 2023
The project is made up of three components:
1. Incorporate NbS into policy and long-term urban development planning.
2. Implement urban interventions through NbS to reduce the vulnerability of local communities.
3. Gain knowledge and raise awareness about urban NbS throughout the region.
Innovation and impact of CityAdapt JEM
CityAdapt JEM provides tools to integrate Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation into urban planning. Through the implementation of NbS pilot measures, the project demonstrates how NbS can mitigate climate risks and generate a series of benefits and co-benefits for urban communities.
Case studies
Latin america and the caribbean
El Salvador
September 2022
Mid-Term Review
Conclusion of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the project
November 2021
Approval of the Nature4Cities Readiness proposal in 7 countries of the region, derived from the results of CityAdapt.
October 2020
Launch of the online course with 40 cities in 14 Latin American countries

July 2020
Signing of financing agreements with NGOs in San Salvador, Xalapa and Kingston for the implementation of activities
August 2019
Launch of the CityAdapt name, logo and project identity manual
May 2019
Signing of the cooperation agreement with UN Women for the implementation of activities in San Salvador and Xalapa

March 2019
NBS in Ecosystems
Workshop to explore Adaptation measures based on Ecosystems carried out in each city between March and May
February 2019
Steering Committee
Realization of the Steering Committee (Steering Committee) of the project, via skype
March 2018
Start of ALTERRA technical consultancy – Wageningen University

March 2018
Installation of the technical committee with government, academic and civil society representatives in each city between February and June.
October 2016
GEF project approval
July 2015
EbA – Validation
EbA measures validation workshop Consult key actors in each country.
March 2015
EbA – Identification
EbA measures identification workshop Consult key actors in each country.
March 2014
GEF-approved concept
January 2014
Proposal sent to the GEF
El Salvador
February 2020
Vulnerability assessment
Socio-environmental vulnerability assessment in the Arenal Monserrat micro-watershed
November 2019
Restoration of 5,183 linear meters of riparian vegetation in the La Mascota, Arenal Monserrat, El Piro, Buenos Aires, La Triadera, El Triunfo and El Limón ravines, in the Arenal Monserrat micro-watershed

November 2019
Results festival
Festival of school garden results 2019, with the participation of the 5 school centers that are members of the initiative.

November 2019
Restoration of 336 hectares of coffee and production of 26,217 linear meters of infiltration ditches in 29 farms on the San Salvador volcano

July 2019
Start of the restoration of urban ravines
June 2019
Coffee and fruit trees
Delivery of 40,000 coffee seedlings and fruit trees to the coffee growers of the San Salvador volcano

May 2019
Kit Delivery
Delivery of tool kits and supplies for the establishment of school gardens to 5 School Centers

October 2019
March 2019
November 2018
Identification of main climatic hazards (hotspots) in the municipalities of Xalapa and Tlaneluayocán within the framework of vulnerability analysis

July 2019
Launch of an urban school garden
May 2019
Installation of rainwater harvesting systems at St. Andrew Technical High School
April 2019
Start of reforestation of 7 hectares of the Hope hydrographic basin with some 4,200 Caribbean pines
This project is executed in conjunction with the environmental authorities in each country (the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources – SEMARNAT of Mexico, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources – MARN of El Salvador and the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of Growth Economic Development and Job Creation (MEGJC) of Jamaica).