With protective greenbelt, Mexican city hopes to fend off climate change

The city of Xalapa, Mexico is bordered by more than 5,300 hectares of mountain forest, a sprawling green sponge that soaks up rainwater and slowly, predictably, releases it to residents downstream.
Sowing Adaptation – Brújula Sonora Podcast

“Antes teníamos la gran limitante de depender de la disponibilidad de agua y hoy que ya contamos con el servicio […]
13 Latin American cities get on board for a project to increase their resilience through Nature-based Solutions

Adaptation moves forward: 13 cities get on board to develop resilience through Nature-based SolutionsAugust 15, 2022 – The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved the expansion of the readiness project Increasing the Resilience through Nature-based Solutions in Latin American cities project (Nature4Cities LatAm) to three additional countries in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC).
The Resilience Podcast: When Cities Adapt

The UNEP Global Adaptation Network (GAN) has launched a new series of Podcast called Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast!
Policy makers and technical officials in Lao PDR receive capacity building on Urban EbA

Strengthening the capacity of city management authorities to plan and implement Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is crucial to support decision-making and thereby promoting resilient urban development.
Ecological and agroforestry restauration of the Estropajo Hill in Xalapa

Having recently celebrated both World Environment Day and the formal launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) on June 5th, CityAdapt highlights the progress made on the ecological restoration of Estropajo Hill in Xalapa, Mexico.
Dialogue on Governance for Mountain Areas – Andean Mountain Initiative

The challenges faced by the Andes’ unique ecosystems and peoples make it necessary to build a shared vision and strategy for the region’s sustainable development. The Andean Mountain Initiative (AMI), a platform consisting of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, held its first Regional Governance Dialogue on Mountain Areas in the Andes on April 27 and 28, 2021 to develop that vision and strategy.
G20 Special event on urban NbS

In the framework of the G20 under the Italian presidency, on April 16, 2021, Italy and UNEP organized a virtual event on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in cities, with the aim of exploring how to increase its implementation’s pace and scale .
Inauguration of the Community garden – Cantón Finca El Espino

As part of the celebration of Earth Day on Thursday, April 22, 2021, the CityAdapt project in San Salvador held the inauguration of the Community Garden, Cantón Finca El Espino.
Emerging lessons from the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator

Tomorrow, the 13th of April, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) will hold a webinar to share emerging lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean regarding the first call for applications to the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) progra