Nature-based Solutions
for Climate Resilient Cities

Perspectives and experiences from Latin America


CityAdapt is an initiative of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) that encompasses a series of climate change adaptation projects in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Faced with the growing vulnerability of cities to climate risks, the initiative promotes a paradigm shift in urban planning towards ecosystem-based urban adaptation planning.

Ecuador: Santo Domingo El Salvador: San Salvador Panamá: Arraiján, Colón, Bocas del Toro República Dominicana: Santiago de los Caballeros Cuba: Camagüey y Manzanillo Jamaica: Kingston Honduras: La Lima y el Progreso Guatemala: Ciudad de Guatemala México: Xalapa Uruguay: Durazno y Rivera


In Latin America and the Caribbean

Strategic Model

FINANCING 03 Generating and/or evaluating climate information and the regulatory baseline makes it possible to analyze climate risks and characterize the vulnerability of a city. ANALYSIS 01 To guarantee the sustainability of the implemented measures, develop lessons learned and scale the NbS, monitoring and evaluation of the interventions and their impact are required. MONITORING 04 The identification and selection of NbS for the adaptation of cities through a participatory process leads to the implementation of measures in urban and peri-urban areas. IMPLEMENTATION 02

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NbS in the Cities

Nature-based Solutions for adaptation are innovative and cost-effective measures to increase the resilience of cities.


As a regional knowledge platform, CityAdapt compiles relevant calls for the region for funding internal or external to UNEP, or recruitments within UNEP.