Agrosilvopastoral practices


Through a comprehensive training strategy for landowners and ranchers located in one of the basins that supply water to the city of Xalapa, in order to strengthen local communities in the face of the effects of climate change and reduce their vulnerability to events such as landslides and landslides.

Implementación en Cityadapt


  • Mexico



  • Periurban

Agrosilvopastoral practices

Pilot actions are implemented in 15 hectares for the sustainable management of natural resources through agrosilvopastoral practices that promote the introduction of trees, controlled grazing management, and incorporate agroecological practices for soil and water conservation. These modules may include: Milpas Interspersed with Fruit Trees (MIAF), pasture rotation, proper cattle management through electrified fences supplied with solar energy, Milpa diversified with vegetables, among others. In addition, the project supports transformation processes to add value to the products and links with market niches that recognize the qualities of the products.



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